Elixir Tea: 5 Benefits People Swear By

Elixir tea, made with an herb known as mitragyna speciosa or kratom, is an herbal supplement many swear by. Made with crushed, dried kratom leaves, the tea is brewed strong. Although it can often taste earthy and bitter to some, others love the taste! Not only that but many who drink kratom tea or use it in its other forms swear by the benefits one might gain from ingesting the herb. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the possible benefits of drinking elixir tea.

Kratom Veins & Effects

Elixir tea made from kratom can come from various mitragyna speciosa veins or strains, which may produce different effects. The three main kratom veins are red, green, and white, each producing a different feeling depending on the dose. Red vein kratom, for example, may grant users calming, soothing effects. White vein kratom, in comparison, is usually taken for its stimulating effects, enhancing energy and euphoria. Green vein kratom is often considered the middle ground between red and white veins, possibly producing a more subtle focused and alert effect.

For Anxiety & Depression

Some of the most significant issues Americans face daily are mental health-related. Anxiety and depression, for example, are two of the most common mental health issues that affect people. Depression can leave those who suffer from it feeling heavy, tired, sad, and alone much of the time, with diminished desire to do anything they used to enjoy. oAnxiety, on the other hand, can feel like extreme stress that disrupts daily function, often making it hard to get anything done. However, some people who drink elixir tea agree that it may combat anxiety and depression! Different strains of kratom may provide energizing, mood-boosting, peaceful, or optimistic effects depending on the vein, dose, and method of consumption.

Try these kratom strains for anxiety and depression:

  • Red Borneo Kratom
  • Green Malay Kratom

For Pain Management

Kratom is often discussed as an alternative to opioids such as codeine or oxycodone because opioids can be extremely harmful if abused. Unfortunately, many opioids are highly addicting, causing a nationwide opioid epidemic that many families struggle with. Kratom users, however, often cite the herb as an alternative option for pain management. Some users even suggest it can be used as a replacement for opioids, helping ease withdrawal symptoms for anyone already addicted to the harmful drugs. Further, some users even claim that the herb has helped them turn their lives around. While testing is still underway on mitragyna speciosa to prove its effectiveness, the herbal alternative is legal in most states, and many have turned to it for help.

Try these kratom strains for pain management:

  • Red Maeng Da Kratom
  • Red Bali Kratom

For Energy

Everyone has those days where a cup of coffee just doesn’t do the trick. Mitragyna speciosa, however, is a relative of the coffee plant and grows under similar conditions. Like a more robust version of coffee, the herb could be used to increase a user’s energy levels and give them the boost they’re looking for. Some people take kratom to start their day, while others take it before a workout or another strenuous activity. Either way, a boost of energy never feels like a bad thing! Start your day off right with a warm mug of elixir tea, and get ready to take on the day.

Try these kratom strains for an energy boost:

  • Pure White Vein Kratom
  • White Borneo Kratom
  • Green Indo Kratom

For Focus

There are many methods available today that could help people improve their focus. Getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy, exercise, and other healthy lifestyle options can help to some degree, but sometimes it can feel like nothing you try is working. To start, it’s essential to do some introspective searching to decide why you are having trouble focusing. If the problem is an underlying, persistent issue in your life that makes your daily routine more difficult, it might be worth seeking out professional help to see if you may need an ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, or another diagnosis. Some people believe that people can simply outgrow these types of attention disorders, but in reality, many adults struggle with them. If focus is something you struggle with frequently or even just periodically, elixir tea may be the answer. People who take kratom say that the herb can boost your focus by “getting you in the zone,” helping you focus on one thing at a time. By boosting brain activity and energy, kratom may be able to help.

Try these kratom strains to help your focus:

  • White Maeng Da Kratom
  • Red Bali Kratom

For Relaxation

Do you ever find yourself staring at the ceiling or counting sheep for what feels like hours trying to fall asleep? Sleep is something that every person needs. Anything that interrupts regular sleep schedules can be detrimental to a person’s health over time, leading to many issues. For those struggling to relax, fall asleep, or dealing with a disorder like insomnia, kratom could help with that, too. Red vein kratom is thought to have sedative effects, helping the body relax its muscles and helping the mind unwind from life stressors. Finding the ideal type and side of kratom is crucial, as the effects can vary depending on what kratom you take.

Try these kratom strains for relaxation:

  • Pure Red Vein Kratom
  • Red Thai Kratom
  • Red Maeng Da Kratom

Join Our Tribe

At Elixir Lounge, we strive to provide a wholesome atmosphere where anyone can enjoy a bilo and feel like family. If you’re looking for a way to unwind on the weekend without the risks of alcohol in a socially inviting and exciting space, Elixir Lounge is the place for you! We have something for everyone with many kava drinks, elixir teas, CBD products, and exceptional, friendly service. If you have any questions, you can find us prepping a bula or two at our lounge! Call us during our business hours at 801-706-1929, or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!